Wednesday 26 August 2015

How Many Calories Do I Burn A Day? Insights into 3 Week Diet System

The Often Asked Question "How Many Calories Do I Burn A Day?" Is Finally Answered!
There are two primary numbers that determine whether you will succeed at losing weight; calories consumed and calories burned. Calories consumed can be monitored through food labels and a lot of diligence (counting calories is hard work!). However, it can be extremely difficult to correctly estimate how many calories we burn off per day...and without knowing that, we won't know how many calories we should be trying to consume in order to lose weight! This post will answer the question "How many calories do I burn a day?" as well as provide some valuable weight loss tips such as 3 week diet system that will get you pointed in the right direction to achieve the body you've always wanted!

But, before we get started, I just wanted to let you know...
The key to any successful weight loss program is not only KNOWING how many calories you burn but to TURBOCHARGE YOUR METABOLISM so that you burn way more calories than you ever did before! Most diets actually cause you to burn fewer calories because your metabolism slows down in response to the dieting techniques. Warp Speed Fat Loss is the exception to the rule. This rapid fat loss program is an A-Z guide to melting off pounds by putting your metabolism into high gear.
How many calories do I burn a day?
Calculating half of the weight loss equation
Most people know that in order to lose weight, they need to burn more calories than they consume. Consequently, one of the most common questions I hear from people wanting to achieve their weight loss goals is "How many calories to I burn a day?" This a logical question, because in order to know how many calories they can consume, they need to know how many they're burning off. Unfortunately, this is not the easiest thing to calculate because there is such a wide difference between individuals in terms of metabolism. Factors that contribute to these differences are gender, age, weight, activity level, body type, etc.
Although it is difficult to pin it down to an exact figure, we can definitely provide an estimate that will be quite accurate in most cases.
To Answer Your Question...
...we need to calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR).
So how many calories DO I burn a day?
The first thing we need to know is an estimate of an individual's basal metabolic rate (BMR). This is the number of calories a person will burn per day when at rest. The most widely accepted formula for calculating BMR is the Harris-Benedict Equation.
Calculating BMR using the Harris-Benedict Equation:
For Men: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)
For Women: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
The Harris-Benedict formula may seem complicated, but it's the best way to get an accurate estimate of BMR without having advanced electronic devices to measure metabolic rate. If a person is extremely muscular, their BMR will be higher than indicated by the equation. By the same token, if a person is very obese, their BMR will actually be lower than the equation suggests.

OK, but how many calories do I burn a day INCLUDING physical activity?
Excellent're good!
Almost everyone who isn't in a coma burns significantly more calories than their BMR. To find out how many calories we actually burn per day (on average) will take some honesty in assessing our physical activity level. We're going to define what we call an activity factor. This will be a number that we multiply by our BMR to get an accurate estimate of the total calories that we burn in a day.
Activity Factors for various activity levels:
Little or no physical activity = 1.2
Mildly Active
Light exercise 1-3 days per week = 1.375
Moderately Active
Moderate exercise 3-5 days per week = 1.55
Very Active
Moderate-to-hard exercise 6-7 days per week = 1.725
Extremely Active
Hard exercise 6-7 days per week = 1.9
So by this method, how many calories do I burn a day if I'm a 31 year old woman who's 5'6", 150 pounds and moderately active?
This example will pull it all together...
Here's how the calculation works:
BMR = 655 + (4.35 x 150) + (4.7 x 67) - (4.7 x 31)
BMR = 655 + 652.5 + 314.9 - 145.7 = 1476.7 calories per day burned at rest
Since you're moderately active, we use a factor of 1.55:
Total Calories Per Day = 1.55 x 1476.7 = 2289 total calories burned per day
Now that you know the answer to the question "How many calories do I burn a day?", you're well on your way to achieving the weight loss goals you desire.
What about specific exercises or activities?
How many calories do I burn a day if I...?
Many people want to be more specific regarding how many calories they burn performing various exercises for a given amount of time. This makes sense, because many of us are busy adults and want to get the most out of our workouts. The best resource I can refer you to is a free Activity Calorie Calculator provided by The Fitness Jumpsite. Simply enter your weight and duration of the activity and it will return the number of calories burned by 222 different activites. This calculator is very comprehensive. It doesn't include just exercises, but work, hobbies, and other forms of activity as well.

So how do I make sure I'm burning more calories than I'm consuming?

Simple! You need a 3 Week Diet System

Rarely does anyone lose a significant amount of weight without following a good weight loss plan. The 3 Week Diet System includes both diet and exercise. We've covered how to estimate how many calories are burned in a day based on your weight and activity level. Exercise is an extremely important part of weight loss because it burns calories, increases metabolism, builds muscle, and improves overall fitness. Despite this fact, a good portion of your weight loss success will depend on your 3 Week diet. This includes what you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat it.
What really separates those who succeed at weight loss and those who fail is how well they understand the impact of the foods they eat and the exercises they perform on their weight. It's not as simple as "a calorie is a calorie" when you consider the effect that different foods and different workouts have on the body in terms of metabolism, muscle building, appetite, etc. If you follow 3 Week Diet system by Brian Flatt, you are likely to achieve weight loss success in short period of time. Check out 3 Week Diet review here.

Thursday 16 July 2015

The E-Factor Diet Facts and Myths of Weight Loss

On the subject of weight loss has been written many guides. It is about the same opinion as the people on a diet. Everyone has preconceived already their (not necessarily true) sentence.
The E-Factor Diet eBook is written by John Rowley. This book provides guidance on how to lose weight without starving yourself. The whole system explained by John Rowley is simple and easy to implement in easy steps. You can check the full review about the system here:

Below are the more known facts and myths.

Resigning from breakfast, lose weight faster
It is most commonly committed error. E-Factor program recommends that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The myth probably arose from the fact that the breakfast give up. Because a lot of people, when you wake up not feeling hungry, because after a night of metabolism is slowed down yet.
But your body needs energy to function in the daytime, so absolutely not allowed to give up this meal. No breakfast will too, that will fry during the day. The fruit can be eaten without restriction Fruit can be eaten between meals, but in limited quantities and not every type. Since the very sweet fruits (e.g. Bananas or grapes) contain a large quantity of sugar causing an increase in blood insulin, which then rapidly descends, causing the sensation of hunger, and that's not much missing to tempt to some snacks.

You should eat fruits with low GI glycemic (e.g. apples, cherries). Products Light is not fattening, yes and no. Until now, the product Light meant 40% fewer calories than normal product. But not always normal product could be found, so really it was a pure marketing. For 2 years, it is governed by European Union rules that say that the product Light cannot have more than 40% fat per 100 grams. Be careful with the products, which the manufacturer describes as light, slim, fitness or diet, because it is a clever way to circumvent the rules.
You can eat chocolate I think everyone likes chocolate. The E factor diet program says that eating chocolate improves mood, improves memory, provides the body with an appropriate dose of energy, and releases antioxidants that block the formation of cancer. It seems that the same advantages. But it also contains sugar, which leads to the production of glucose in the blood. This takes approximately 1.5 minutes after eating.
E factor diet allows for eating chocolate, but only with a high cocoa content, about 90%. Coffee is prohibited Coffee is a beverage that allows you to put your body on your feet. Thanks to caffeine, the body gets a "kick". After drinking, we can focus more fighting drowsiness. In most different diets, coffee without sugar and milk are allowed, but discouraged drinking coffee, at least in the first phase. If someone has to drink, that's one cup a day without milk. If the milk (up 1.5%) is the best half an hour after a carbohydrate meal.
Drinking water, accelerates weight loss Drinking water does not accelerate weight loss, but assists diet. It helps in digestion at every stage, cleanses the body by flushing out toxins. You should choose water with a high content of iodine, because it stimulates the thyroid gland, which has a direct impact on metabolism and insulin secretion.
Dinner must eat before Yes. Dinner should eat at least two hours before going to a spa, because while you sleep your metabolism slows down. There is an opinion that you can eat as much as possible, if we go to bed at midnight or later. However, it should also take into account the body's biorhythm, which shows that our body at certain times is the most active, while others preparing to sleep. These pores are dependent on our lifestyle, which is why regular sleep and meals are very important.

The E-Factor Diet program is highly recommended for people, who are willing to take action and want to transform their bodies into a fat burning machines. The E-Factor Diet Review at Strikingly will help you get to know about Pros and Cons of the program in more detail.

Monday 6 July 2015

3 Week Diet Review – is it all BS?

There are lots of rumors surrounding a digital product called “3 Week Diet” authored by Brian Flatt. In this post, you will get to know our positive and negative reviews about Brian 3 Week Diet system. We will also provide our final verdict, if the product is scam or legit.

For more information, visit here:

What is 3 Week Diet?

The 3 Week Diet is an Ebook, which claim to help people shed weight within 3 weeks. According to Brian Flatt,  a person can lose 12 – 24 pounds of fat in 3 weeks after implementing instructions provided in the Ebook.

The product comes within a money back guarantee of 60 days. So, if any customer is not satisfied with the purchase, a refund can be claimed which is instantly credited back to the account. Let’s move on towards pros and cons  of 3 Week Diet.


  • The book is very detailed.
  • It is not lengthy as you think and contains well-detailed sections that provided easy to follow instructions.
  • It’s a pleasing experience to read the eBook and implement its guidelines.


  • We were not able to find much information about author of 3 Week Diet. Although, it is claimed that Brian Flatt is a top notch health and fitness expert, however still we were not able to verify the credentials and identity of the author. Despite of the well-detailed Ebook with clear and easy to follow instructions, people can consider it scam, if they are not able to find much detail about author of the eBook.
  • There’s lots of marketing hype about 3 Week Diet system. There are fake reviews, which can eventually lead someone into buying something, which is not actually used by an actual user.

Final Verdict

We found many positive things in the eBook, which tend to outweigh the negative factors mentioned above. There are many people, who have shared positive reviews about the effectiveness of 3 Week Diet program to help achieve the desired results. The program itself is far better than typical Ebook available in the market. Our overall rating for the product is 3.9 out of 5.

More information about review here: